WineAlign Exchange Merchant Signup

Thanks for signing up as a Merchant on the WineAlign Exchange!

Congratulations, you are now all set up on Stripe. To finish the setup we need to get you set up on WineAlign. Please send us an email with four pieces of information and in ‘Exchange’ we’ll send an entire dollar to your new Stripe account to make sure everything is working properly. That dollar will generate a receipt from YOUR organization so we’ll be able to see the way it looks.

Since it’s your receipt, you should brand the look by adding your organization’s icon, logo and colours to your Stripe account. It’s easy. Instructions on how to do so are at the bottom of this page.

You still need to send an email to [email protected] and tell us four things:

(1)  Send us your Stripe account number. Please copy the acct_number from the green bar above (including the acct_ prefix as well).

Copy Stripe Account Number


For the initial mixed, ‘Exchange’ case we handle everything including all shipping. However, once a consumer receives a mixed case containing your wine, they can purchase a follow-on case of wine from you through our Direct To Consumer (DTC) channel. We need the following three items in order to set you up on WineAlign to handle DTC orders. In order to use our DTC channel we have to grant certain powers to a WineAlign user. Whoever is processing the DTC orders in your organization needs to have a WineAlign account. We can give DTC channel rights to multiple WineAlign accounts.

(2)  Tell us which email address(es) need access to the follow-on, DTC service. Please note that these emails need to have a WineAlign account. If you don’t have a WineAlign account you’ll need to create one so we can assign DTC admin powers to it.

(3) Tell us the email address(es) you want new case orders sent to (i.e. [email protected]). The person receiving these emails and processing DTC orders will need to be assigned DTC access on WineAlign and will therefore need an account on WineAlign. If they don’t have a WineAlign account they’ll need to create one so we can assign your admin powers to it.

(4) What your estimated, pre-tax default delivery fee will be for a case purchase in the GTA? For follow-on sales you are handling the shipping and we need to give them an idea of what it is going to cost when they place the order. We make it clear this is only an estimate. Note that you will always have the opportunity to modify the delivery fee on an order if the actual delivery fee is not your estimated default.

Please send the answers to the above four questions to [email protected]. Thanks!

Branding your receipt in Stripe

Our Merchant Gateway conducts financial transactions between your organization and consumers. Therefore, you should brand your receipt by adding your organization’s icon, logo and colours to your Stripe account. It’s as easy as 1-2-3, just log into Stripe and go here: Stripe => Settings => Branding.

Note that the icon, not the logo is what is sent with your email receipts. Just hover over the email receipt section and a pop-up will appear to allow you to send a test email.

Stripe Branding Setup

(click on image to enlarge)