
Silverado Solo Cabernet Sauvignon 2011, Stags Leap District, Napa Valley

Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon
Californie, États-Unis

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LCBO 89482 160,00 $
A classy, gritty, firm and succulent cabernet from the volcanic rock-derived soils of the Stag's Leap district, here, sitting more in the fresh red fruit end of the spectrum. I like the vibrant red and black cherry flavours, propped up by crisp acids. Although this doesn't seem to have the extract or density to age long-term, I'd still tuck this in the cellar for another 2-3 years for greater flavour development, and enjoy over the mid-term, to the early twenties or thereabouts. For fans of more elegant and zesty wines with limited wood influence. Tasted January 2015. J. Szabo (WineAlign.com)
91 pts

Les notes des chroniqueurs (1)

John Szabo, MS
John Szabo, MS

Ouverture, graveleux, ferme et cabernet succulente de les sols volcaniques rocheuses dérivé du quartier de la Stag...

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