
Krupp Brothers Veraison Red Stagecoach Vineyard 2008, Napa Valley

Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon
Californie, États-Unis

72,25 $ (419424)

  • None
  • À boire ou à attendre
  • 9292
From the andesitic, red-tinged soils of the Stagecoach vineyard on Atlas Peak, this wine has entered a beautiful stage of maturity. I'd call this a classic Napa cabernet, plush and rich, velvety yet structured, with a little more polish that one may typically find in mountain wines, but plenty of density and tight-knit structure in any case. I like the balance and succulence, the juiciness and vibrancy. Drinking beautifully now, but would be happy for another 5-8 years in the cellar no doubt. Tasted January 2015. J. Szabo (WineAlign.com)
92 pts

Les notes des chroniqueurs (1)

John Szabo, MS
John Szabo, MS

De les sols andésitiques, rouge teinté de la vigne Stagecoach Atlas Peak, ce vin est entré dans un beau stade de...

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