
Huff Estates Pinot Gris 2010, VQA Ontario

Pinot gris Pinot Gris
Ontario, Canada

  • À boire
  • 8888

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LCBO 625079 19,95 $
The exotic nose of red licorice, binned apple with tropical fruit peeking through sets the stage for a bold and balanced Gris. Lively flavours on the palate – blood orange, lemon drop and white peach – give way to a balanced, refreshing aftertaste garnished with orchard fruit and mineral notes. It’s medium bodied with good mouth feel and oodles of charm. Closely related to Pinot Noir, you may catch a glimmer of a pink hue in this Pinot Gris. Lovely on its own, it also pours well with roast chicken or roast pork. Score: 4 (Vic Harradine, winecurrent.com, Aug. 30, 2012)
88 pts

Les notes des chroniqueurs (1)

David Lawrason
David Lawrason

Avec autant d'attention à pinot noir et de chardonnay dans le comté de Prince Edward, pinot gris est un peu dans...

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