
Kendall Jackson Avant Chardonnay 2009, Monterey Santa Barbara

Chardonnay Chardonnay
Californie, États-Unis

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BCLDB 325936 17,99 $
Floral, green apple, citrus, buttery, creamy, grapefruit and mango aromas with a touch of honey. Fresh, crisp, juicy palate with a bit of sweetness. Lots of lime, lemon, mango, butter, baked green apple and honey flavours with a touch of creamy lees. A very solid, fruity, juicy style with little oak influence for modern consumers. Score: 89 (Anthony Gismondi, WineAlign.com, Nov 2012)
89 pts

Les notes des chroniqueurs (1)

Anthony Gismondi
Anthony Gismondi

Floral, vert pomme, agrumes, beurre, crème, pamplemousse et mangue arômes avec une touche de miel. Frais, croquant,...

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