Ridgepoint Merlot Cabernet Aglianico 2010, VQA Twenty Mile Bench

Aglianico Aglianico
Ontario, Canada

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Ontario Agent 30,00 $
This small, 100 case production features an Italian variety rarely seen in these parts. Ridgepoint has a knack for delivering surprising results from these Italian varieties with which few wineries would risk experimenting. The 20% agliancio in this blend has been dried to increase its concentration and contribution to the flavour profile of the wine. The nose may very well lead you to believe its origins are Italian with notes of floral spiciness and leather. There is plenty of substance and charm to be had from this well-assembled blend of excellent length. A silver winner at Intervin. Score: 89 (Sara d'Amato, WineAlign.com, Mar 2013)
89 pts

Les notes des chroniqueurs (1)

Sara d'Amato
Sara d'Amato

Ce petit, la production de 100 cas comporte une variété italienne rarement vu dans ces régions. Ridgepoint a un...

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