Tantalus Old Vines Riesling 2010, VQA Okanagan Valley

Riesling Riesling
Colombie-Britannique, Canada

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  • 9393

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Ontario Agent 30,00 $
British Columbia 30,00 $
(Available in May 2013 - From the winery: Tantalus.ca) Tantalus has been a trailblazer and has quickly become the benchmark for Okanagan and BC Riesling. Made from vines that are 30+ years old, this is a complex, age-worthy wine that shows generous bright citrus flavours with searing but balanced acidity. Aged two years in bottle prior to release, the 2010 vintage will be available through the winery in May 2013. This is your official heads up, so be prepared to get your hands on some. Score: 93 (Janet Dorozynski, WineAlign.com, Jan 2013)
93 pts

Les notes des chroniqueurs (1)

Janet Dorozynski Dip WSET, Ph.D.
Janet Dorozynski Dip WSET, Ph.D.

Tantale a été un pionnier et est rapidement devenu le point de référence pour l'Okanagan en Colombie-Britannique et...

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