ON-301440 BC-55756

Bisquertt La Joya Reserve Merlot 2010, Colchagua Valley

Merlot Merlot
Vallée de Colchagua, Chili

  • À boire ou à attendre
  • 8585

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Détaillant Lien vers l'info Prix
LCBO 301440 13,95 $
BCLDB 55756 11,97 $
Once again, a Chilean wine that offers astonishing value. Attractive mulberry, cherry, mocha, fire-roasted tomato and earthy notes on the nose pave the way for a fleshy, mouth-coating and flavourful palate experience. Made in a restrained style, this will excel with food. Pair with blackened beef, or grilled bell peppers stuffed with ground beef and rice. (VINTAGES panel, Nov. 2012)
85 pts

Les notes des chroniqueurs (1)

David Lawrason
David Lawrason

Cela a cette odeur particulière des feuilles persistantes (ils appellent ça Boldos) qui est beaucoup rouges chiliens....

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