Bacardi Oakheart Spiced Rum
28,45 $ (269027)
At its base are rums mellowed in charred white oak barrels to give smokiness, further enhanced by the addition of natural charred oak extract. Flavoured then with honey essence, Madagascan vanilla bean, cinnamon and nutmeg, the resulting product is distinctive. Vanilla, oak and smoke come forth in the nose. The taste is robust with vanilla, honey and nutmeg flavours, followed by cinnamon in the finish. Smooth overall, throughout are caramel and peppery notes. Score: 88 (Margaret Swaine,, Dec 2012)Les notes des chroniqueurs (1)
Margaret Swaine
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A sa base sont fondus dans rhums carbonisés fûts de chêne blanc pour donner fumé, encore renforcée par l'ajout...