Southbrook Cabernet Merlot Shiraz 2007, Niagara Peninsula

Assemblage rouge Red Blend
Ontario, Canada

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  • 8686

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Ontario Agent 14,00 $
New listing. Southbrook’s new showpiece winery opened in Niagara-on-the-Lake in 2008, signalling a new era for winemaker Ann Sperling, formerly of Malivoire. This is a very fragrant wine with spicy caraway, leather and bacon notes (thanks to the shiraz) around the raspberry, but it’s the 2006 greenness and thinness that drops the rating slightly.
86 pts

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Steve Thurlow
Steve Thurlow

Le millésime 2007 a été grande pour les établissements vinicoles de l'Ontario avec une excellente maturité dans les...

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