Royal DeMaria Wines

[email protected]
4551 Cherry Avenue,
Vineland, L0R 1B0
By appointment or by chance
Mon-Sat 10am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 5pm
daily 11am - 5pmTour Hours:Call for details
Recognized as producing the finest Icewine in the world. Winner of 8 confirmed world wine records, including 14 prestigious Citadelles (Grand Prix d'Honneur), VinExpo, France. World's largest Icewine portfolio with 24 varietals of Icewine including Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Meritage, Shiraz, Malbec, Petit Verdot and Muscat Ottonel. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth requested 6 bottles during the Jubilee Visit to Canada in 2002, the Royal DeMaria 2004 Riesling Icewine was served at the G8 Summit in Hokkaido, Japan 2008, the Royal DeMaria 2008 Cabernet Franc Icewine was chosen as a gift from the Canadian government for the G20 Summit leaders in Toronto 2010 and the Royal DeMaria 2000 Chardonnay Icewine is recognized as the most expensive Icewine in the world, retailing at $250,000 a bottle.