Lexcellent Wines

Lexcellent Wines
(416) 461-4577

Consignment, Private Stock & Vintages

Lexcellent Wines is now more than 12 years old! The agency came about as a marriage between our growing interest in quality wine, and our desires to visit Dominique's family in France and have a personal relationship with her homeland. We have been very fortunate — especially in our winemakers, who are both excellent producers and warm and welcoming human beings — they make this 'business' a rewarding experience year after year.
Our fundamental criteria for our portfolio choices are simple. We like these wines because they have the character, finesse and structure to support and enhance our interactions with those who share them with us. We have always reserved judgement until we could enjoy a bottle, quietly and privately, with food and good company. The standard 'wine-tasting', the 'sip & spit' encounter, can certainly tell you some surface things about a wine, but only a bottle (or better yet, several, from many vintages) can teach you about a winemaker and her/his vineyard. In the end, winemakers are who we seek and who we value — the people whose experience, knowledge, hard work, and inspired interaction with the vineyard and in the cave is expressed in a fine bottle of wine. Such a bottle enhances the human moment and remains an integral part of important relationships and memories. That's what matters to us — Santé!

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