Margaret Swaine

Margaret Swaine
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Margaret Swaine has toured the globe many times over as a travel journalist, wine and restaurant critic and feature writer. She is the National Post’s wine reviewer, pens the weekly food travel column “Forks & the Road” for that newspaper, the bi-monthly “Global Gourmet” column for and the monthly spa column “Paradise Home & Away” for Best Health magazine.

She is a principal critic and partner with WineAlign and writes their monthly blog on spirits. She also writes for Canadian Foodservice Hospitality (Pouring for Profits), Ensemble Travel, NUVO, Air Canada Vacations, WestJet UP!, Chic, Hello! Canada, My Ontario, Baltic Outlook, Arrival and other magazines. Past credits include over two decades as the wine and drink columnist for both Toronto Life and Chatelaine magazines, restaurant columnist for Toronto Life and the Toronto restaurant critic for Gault Millau’s website She is a founder of the Wine Writers Circle of Canada and the Travel Media Association of Canada.

Twitter: globaltaster

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J.P. Wiser's Dissertation Bottle J.P. Wiser's Dissertation
Ontario, Canada
Note ajoutée le: 8 juin 2017
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65,15 $ None
Black Cow Pure Milk Spirit Bottle Black Cow Pure Milk Spirit
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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35,75 $ None
Extra Zytnia Vodka Bottle Extra Zytnia Vodka
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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27,65 $ None
Wyborowa Vodka Bottle Wyborowa Vodka
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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28,20 $ None
Reyka Small Batch Vodka Bottle Reyka Small Batch Vodka
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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35,05 $ None
Birmingham's Dill Pickle Vodka Bottle Birmingham's Dill Pickle Vodka
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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37,78 $ None
Alberta Pure Vodka Bottle Alberta Pure Vodka
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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46,85 $ High
Georgian Bay Vodka Bottle Georgian Bay Vodka
Ontario, Canada
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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34,95 $ High
Bob’s Super Smooth Premium Spirit Bottle Bob’s Super Smooth Premium Spirit
Ontario, Canada
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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26,70 $ None
Kannuk Vodka Bottle Kannuk Vodka
Colombie-Britannique, Canada
Note ajoutée le: 18 mai 2017
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49,95 $ Shopping_bag
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